by Kyle Figgins
Every time you head to the upper most point of Minnesota, you never really know what to expect. Lake of the Woods and Rainy Lake both cover a large majority of the border between Minnesota and Canada, and the weather is unpredictable at times. However, Rainy Lake holds the fish that every angler in Minnesota dreams of, BIG.
The weekend started off like any other, a long day at work followed by a 2.5 hour drive north to the access just outside of International Falls, MN. The excitement was building and the following morning we would be chasing some of the largest crappies in Minnesota. Arriving at the landing just after 8:30 P.M., we quickly launched the boat and headed out to the cabin where we would be staying. The cabin lay about 2 miles out from the landing on an island. It put us that much closer to the fish, which meant we would be fishing earlier and longer the next day.
We arrived at the landing, light a fire, and prepared our gear for the next morning. Once the chill of the night snuck up on us, Minus33 worked like clockwork, keeping me dry and warming me back up. The next morning came fast and early, so we had a quick bite to eat and headed down to load up our gear for the day to come. We had a 6 mile boat ride ahead of us to get to where the crappies where holding up. The trip went by quickly, and before I knew it, my line was wet and the fishing had begun.
The day was much a blur after that, landing fish after fish until finally we decided we had enough. The day started cool, got hot, and then ended wet. The whole time my Minus33 gear adjusted to all the different climate situations. The amount of room I saved in my boat, along with its ability to naturally adjust to the climate conditions, make it a vital tool when out fishing. I have used Minus33 for the better part of my life and never once have I been disappointed. It is something that every serious sportsman should use when trying to tackle the harsh outdoor climates.